Here's the scoop:

I am putting together a community of coaches and experts and showing them exactly how to do accomplish two things:

1. Grow their email list by 100-300 subscribers (or more) a month (without ads)

2. Add up to five-figures a month in sales directly from emailing that list.

It’s called “The Email Profit Society”

All you need to have to see results is an email list (or the willingness to build one, which I’ll show you how to do) and something to sell to that list.

It doesn’t matter if you sell high-ticket or low-ticket either.

You just need something to sell.

It could be affiliate products for all I care.

If you have at least that, then I will show you how to consistently grow and monetize your email list, turning it into a client-getting machine.

These results are NOT typical but clients who use this system:

- Added $35k in high-ticket coaching sales over 3-months to a list of 2800 people

- Generated over $40k with a mixture of low-ticket and low-ticket sales over 5-months with a list of 3500 people.

And on the smaller end:

-A consultant added $6k in revenue wit a list of 800 people while he was hanging out with his family for the weekend.

- A vegan fitness coach got two $2500 clients from a list of 86 people (business coach for coaches)

-And I’ve personally used this system to make over $100,000 from my email list.

We did this by doing a few things:

1.) Organized our expertise into a sellable online offer.

2.) Wrote emails using my “5 Lever Framework”

3.) Send those emails everyday to our list.


And yes, daily emails are part of the playbook here, which is why it works so well.

This will work for you too if you have an email list of contacts and are currently selling an online offer or you have a list and want to find/create offers to sell.

Before I tell you how the “community” part works, let me break down what you’ll get your eyes on in the “Training vault”:

- How to build a “cult-like” feeling inside of buyers that make them enter your world and never ever want to leave. (People use this stuff to create religions…and you can use it to ethically create a loyal following or buyers.)

- My personal copywriting framework that I use to write daily emails that turn my list into stone-cold, no BS, ready to go buyers. And these emails take only 15-20 minutes to write. (Even if you suck at writing.)

- How to practically FORCE your subscribers to open every email you send... even if they know you're gonna pitch them (A tightly guarded secret amongst the best email marketers in the world.)

- As of April 2023, more than 52% of emails land in spam, which means you may never even make it to your subscribers inbox. I got a “5-minute trick” that will land you in the primary inbox and keep you out of spam forever.

- If you WANT to sell by phone: Secrets to getting more applications than you can handle for high ticket clients and services using nothing but emails.

- How to get total strangers to trust respect you and want to buy from in the very first email (99% of people who send welcome emails ruin their chances of selling by not doing this)

- Why you should never do a “nurture” sequence focused on “providing value” and what to do instead.

- Should you even tell your story and beliefs in your emails? (Not really, in fact, doing this can actually drive down your sales)

- Why you should make an offer in every single email…and how to do it in a way that never annoys or pisses off your subscribers but instead leaves them salivating for more.

- The simple trick blockbuster movie directors use to make boring topics irresistibly intriguing, and how to use this to sell more of your products no matter how “boring” they are! (For example, my friend got booked out for two months applying this to sell his pressure washing services using this!)

-A simple one sentence email that can be used to revive a “dead” list that is covered in dust. (A dead list is a list you haven’t emailed in awhile…or a long while…but don’t worry…I have a simple system to help get them reengaged and buying.)

- A secret “Back-Door” way of getting 100-300 free and high converting subscribers per month…. without having to spend a lick of money on ads paid shout-outs or posting in stupid Facebook groups!

- How to write emails that *seem* like pure value, but are really just powerful sales pitches that convert like crazy! (It’s like disguising blatant sales pitches in what seems like educational content.)

- How to add up to 10-20 subscribers a day by setting up a robot to send cold emails for you - nobody ever thinks about this when it comes to list building.

- The secret to effortlessly generating infinite amounts of subject lines that stop your subscribers in their tracks just to open your email (no matter what they’re doing)

- The easiest way to get rid of tire kickers, freebie seekers and “bottom feeders” on your list while doubling your sales at the same time. (These are people who yap, complain and never ever buy.)

And a lot more…

Like the one true divider between “a” copywriter and “World class” copywriter, (This simple philosophy can help you sell a product that you know nothing about)....A painfully easy (but not commonly practiced) way to never run out of email ideas again, bye-bye writers block…and how to climb inside the mind of your buyers and find specific "hot" words that pierce your subscribers deep in their buying nerve like cupid shooting an arrow.

I’m also going to include a truck ton of frameworks, examples and templates that’ll turn you into a dangerously profitable email copywriter.

Now...if I were you…

I'd imagine you've gotta buncha questions.

"Where and When?"

Doors are open now.At the end of this page you will see how to get access..

"How Does It Work?"

I only want to work with people who can implement fast, test quickly and report back on the results.I'm taking people today and I'm inviting YOU to join the crew..

Here’s how it works…

1. You will be added to a private Discord Community with all of the other “Email Profits” (What I call my members)

In this group you’ll be able to share ideas with one another, get inspiration, get feedback, network and build relationships with the other community members.

This is also where I share what is working and what’s not as I continue to implement my strategies.

2. Once a week you will get access to “Live Email Profit Writing Sessions”

This is a zoom room where I will write an email from scratch, and then help others come up with ideas for their emails - as well as review emails and give direct feedback.

These calls will not only give you the advantage of having me personally look over some of your emails, but even more importantly, they’ll give you the chance to “look over my shoulder” as I write out highly profitable emails from scratch.

This will give you direct insight into how I approach and think of every single email I write, helping you “embed” my email writing ways into your own brain.

After I write, we hang together to talk about everything and brainstorm specific ideas for YOUR offers so you can put it into action and report on your results, and as well as review some people’s emails.

"How much time do I need to implement this email strategy?"

You’re going to actively build a skill that will last for life, but it ain’t going to consume your freedom.You’ll need to allocate roughly 2-3 hours to get through the main training material.

From that point, it only takes 15-30 minutes a day to write the emails.

If you can’t do that, don’t join.

Also, since this is a process that pays off the more you do it, only the ones who are willing to commit to the long term will win.

If you’re not willing to do that, don’t join.

Plain and simple.

And at the risk of writing a pretty long document, I'm going to answer some other questions I'm sure you have below.

Oh and remember, the live calls will be an hour every week.

"Do I need to be a great marketer?"

You don't.

In fact, if you’re already some expert level email marketer then that can work against you, because my marketing methods are painfully simple and they’ll make you question my sanity.

So I actually kinda prefer the “newbies.”

They don’t have a lot of baggage.

Here’s the plain truth:

If you can write at a third grade level, have a computer, and have something to sell… you will do just fine.

"How big should my email list be to get results?"

Honestly...less than 1000.

Heck, I even have a student who made $2k in a day with a list of only 86 people.

It's not impossible.

However, the bigger the list the better (of course.)

Just know, even with a tiny list, I'll show you how to make more sales.

And remember…

As a part of being in the community you will get access to my “List Builder” training, where I show you how I personally add 100-300 (or more) high quality subscribers a month without ads.

You can copy and paste these list building strategies into your business as well.

"What Businesses/Industries Is This Best For?"

Let me ask you a question..

Do you sell a product or service to human beings?

Then great, this will work for you.

I got people selling courses like hot cakes with this stuff.

I got people filling their calendar with sales appointments.

No matter what market you're in, you will pull in more profits with this system.

"What if I have a list, but I am still not clear on my offer?"

This will still be a very smart thing to learn.


Because you can do what I do.

- First, I find offers that I know my list will buy.

- Then I reach out to the creator to do an affiliate deal, getting a percentage of the sales.

You can make a great living over the next 12 months without running or starting your own company with your own product.

This also gives you the time to create an offer.

Wins all around.

"Are there any bonuses?"

You bet, Four actually.

First, “The 5k Weekend Recordings”

This is a set of recordings that will show you how to create and optimize an offer and launch it successfully to collect $5k or more over a weekend with the offer using nothing but emails.

Using this method I am able to collect over $5k every time I do a weekend launch.

My last one brought me $7k.

You can use this exact launch strategy to launch any offer, very successfully.

Second, you also get free access to "Mail Money Confessions."

This is a recorded conversation between my marketing buddy Jason and I where I shared…

How to create ethical scarcity every single week without discounting…how to come up with “new” offers without changing a thing about your core offer…how I set up my funnels for maximum profit…how to create tons of ethical FOMO everytime you launch a course…and a psychological shift that every big money marketer makes before they become big money and more.

Lastly, you will lock-in lifetime access to “The Monthly Email Profit”

Every month I go through my CRM to find the emails that performed the best, and then I break down why they worked and send them to you.

This way you can study them and even use them to model for your own offers.

For as long as you stay inside of "The Email Profit Society" you will recieve my highest performing emails each month for FREE.

"What’s The Investment?"

If you’re already delivering to clients and have an email list (or are willing to build one) it will cost you a FORTUNE to miss out on this exclusive opportunity.

With that said...

Your investment to join “The Email Profit Society” is an easy $50/week.

(That's just over $7 a day)

And you'll easily make your investment (and way more) back every month the using these strategies.

Now, if you’re wondering why I’m doing it so cheap, here’s why:

I was broke as hell two years ago.

I was struggling to breathe.

It was email marketing that saved my business and changed my life.

I know how important this skill is for any successful business, and I don’t want to charge an arm and a leg for it.

This is something I wish I had when I started, and now I want it to be as accessible as possible to as many people.

Plus, with the money you make using this system, you’ll probably be interested in working with me at a closer, higher level.

It doesn’t end here.

"Is there a guarantee?"

No. I have been extremely clear on who this is for and not for.

So if you buy it and come crawling back saying, "This stuff doesn't work" then I know for certain that you did not follow my instructions.

I do not refund people like that.

I do not do business with people who can't keep their word.

Therefore I will not refund you.

You are a full grown adult who can make responsible purchasing decisions.

So, no refunds.

If you don’t find the community useful then cancel, but I do not give refunds.

If that scares you and makes your teeth rattle, please close this page down and (never) come back.

But if you are ready to "Write your way to the bank" read the last few words of this page.

"How do I get a spot?"

If you've read the questions above and meet the requirements just tap the blue link below, fill in your info, complete your order and then check your email for access to it all.

Here’s the link:

Join "The Email Profit Society"
Join "The Email Profit Society"

-Adrian “The Daily Email Guy” Moreno

PS: Important

There is one “downside” to following my wildly profitable email writing methods:

You must write an email every single day if you want to reap all of the profits that are possible with email marketing.


Because my email writing system is not a “quick fix” bandaid. It’s like building muscle.

You cannot workout one time today, and expect to look like your favorite bodybuilder on instagram.

Instead, you have to build up to it, day by day, week by week, month by month.

It's the same with my email methods.

You have to be willing to let the results compound and build up over time - like daily sales, dream buyers, more time to deliver to them and overall less stress from having to chase clients all day.

That’s why if you’re one of these mamma boys or sissy girls who quits everything before giving something a decent chance…

Then do not enroll!

The Email Profit Society is designed for real entrepreneurs, go-getters, and people who aren’t afraid to put their head down and be consistent.

Those who don’t have time for tip-toeing around. My successful students dare not miss a day and often find it the easiest (and funnest) part of their days.

(Which is funny because my student Jenna hated writing before she joined!)

So if you’re a whiny victim who says nothing works, then this community is NOT for you.

You’re better off unsubscribing from my list now and joining one of those “Sell from the heart” kind of programs where everybody talks about manifesting sales but is scared to death about their piling bills that they cannot pay.

But if you’re an entrepreneur who works hard, plays hard, and wants a consistent and easier way to get clients and customers, then click the link to join us.

Here’s it is: